I have wanted to start a blog for the longest time, but it always felt like a huge undertaking. It seemed like it would be too much to manage producing regular content, and doing everything else that needs to be done. Part of the reason for that was the way I conceptualized blogging. Before, it was a product that was produced for readers, and was designed to try and grow and keep readership. I came to realize that really blogging should be thought of as a forcing function to write. It gives a place to put different writings and, at least for me, gives a little bit more motivaition to properly structure and understand different ideas. With this new idea in mind and the transition to grad school occuring, I couldn’t think of a better time to start a blog. I hope to try and put out at least one post every two weeks. Doing so should hopefully give me some more structure for what to do in my limited free time. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, and this post and challenge serves as the first step for my blogging journey.